Manna House Counselling Service

Counselling at the Manna House
What to expect
Counselling at the Manna House Counselling Service
The Manna House Counselling Service (MHCS) offers a confidential Christian counselling service for anyone in need and has done so for over 35 years.
We offer a professionally trained service to people with problems irrespective of faith background or ability to pay. These problems might include a troubled marriage, crisis - such as bereavement or redundancy - depression or suicidal feelings, loss, emotional trauma, anxiety, relationship breakdown, eating disorders, abuse, or personal spiritual problems.
Male, female, young, old, people of faith or of no faith - all are welcome.
This inclusive and comprehensive approach reflects how we fully respect each person’s values and beliefs.
Our hope and our aim is to help you find a better life and a healthier way of living so that you can enjoy your life to the full.
Who Do We Counsel?
We are fortunate to have a team of registered integrative and person centred counsellors, and experienced student counsellors under supervision, who are able to see a very wide range of clients. This includes:
Adults – the majority of our clients are individual adults, who typically present issues such as stress, loss, anxiety and depression (as diagnosed by their GP), abuse, trauma and many other difficulties, as well as those who just sense there could be a better way ahead for them.
Couples – we offer marriage and relationship counselling that covers a broad spectrum of areas - from small improvements in communication and learning to resolve difficult conflicts right through to couples struggling to stay together or seeking to recover and rebuild their relationship.
Children and young people – we are really pleased to be able to offer counselling to those under the age of 18 (with permission). Our younger clients are often facing issues of loss, anxiety, bullying, self-esteem, eating disorders and many other challenges that impact young people today.
If you are in any doubt as to whether counselling at the MHCS may be helpful for you please call the office to discuss this further. We would be delighted to speak to you.
Counselling - Talking Therapy
Counselling - Talking Therapy is a way of talking over problems in a safe and confidential environment, that allows you to express your feelings and think out loud with someone who listens to you and accepts you while giving you feedback, providing time for reflection and offering other ways of looking at situations.
This can clarify your understanding, increase your choices and give you more confidence to go forward.
It might involve learning practical steps to help you recognise your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and be aware of when these become unhelpful, distressful or damaging.
Counselling - Talking Therapy can provide you access to a range of different techniques that resolve problems, provides new ways at looking at life's difficulties and help lead to change.
Counselling at MHCS provides you with the opportunity to fully explore those things that can sustain, enrich and transform your life, in a safe, confidential and hopeful setting.