Manna House Counselling Service


Online Payment and Donations
are now available
Clicking "Donate now" will open a new secure window where you can: Enter the amount you wish to send to Manna House. then click Checkout... Enter your telephone Number (optional)... Enter your email address to enable us to send you a receipt... Enter your name for our reference... Enter card details... Finally click donate. Please remember that completing a Gift Aid Form allows us to claim back 25p for every pound donated. Ask the office for details.
Donations can be made by Bank Transfer or by Cheque to:
The Manna House Trust Reg Charity No 286358
The Co-operative Bank
Sort Code: 08-90-73
Account No: 50136872
Card and Contactless (Apple pay & Google pay) payment is also available at our Office or over the telephone - 01604 633304.
Please do reference your bank transfer or on the back of the cheque with your surname and/or client code indicating that this is a donation.
If you are a tax payer then please do consider Gift Aid and this will enable us to reclaim an additional 25p for every pound you kindly donate. For details and a Gift Aid Form please contact the Office - 01604 633304.